Claus Heinrich George Rittinghausen, zn. van Georgius Nicolas Rittinghausen en Ursula Rosina Rittenhouse (Stadtmann), geb. Broich a.d. Ruhr circa 1615, ovl. voor 1678.
Uit dit huwelijk 4 kinderen, waaronder:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Wilhelm | *1644 | Mühlheim [Duitsland] | †1707 | Philadelphia [Verenigde Staten] | 62 | 1 | 6 |
2 | Ermgard | *1638 | Mülheim, Bernkastel-Wittlich [Duitsland] | †1654 | 16 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | Heinrich | *1642 | Mülheim, Bernkastel-Wittlich [Duitsland] | †1716 | Dordrecht | 73 | 1 | 4 |
otr. Loenen, tr. Hall in jun 16651
Geertruid Kersten Pieters, geb. Eerbeek bij Brummen circa 1648, ovl. Philadelphia [Verenigde Staten] in 1708.
Uit dit huwelijk 6 kinderen.
1. | Retroacta Burgelijke Stand Hall (T 242), Gelders Archief, Retroacta Burgelijke Stand Hall 0176, Inventarisnr.: 374.1, Nederduits Gereformeerd, Hall, 1702 (jun 1665 blz. 5) |
otr. Loenen, tr. Hall in jun 16651
Wilhelm Rittinghausen, zn. van Claus Heinrich George Rittinghausen en Maria Hagerhoff, geb. Mühlheim [Duitsland] tot Coldenhave circa 1644, ovl. Philadelphia [Verenigde Staten] op 18 feb 1707.
Wilhelm Rittinghausen.
Grondvester van de Rittenhouse Papermill in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Wilhelm Rittinghausen, born in 1644, learned the papermaking trade in Mulheim, Germany, while working at his uncles Adolf and Mathias Vorster's mill. Wilhelm ande his uncle Mathias later went to Holland, where they were employed in a Gelderland mill near Arnhem. In 1688, Mr. Rittinghausen, by now a Dutch citizen, emigrated to British North America and changed his name to William Rittenhouse. In 1690, he established a paper mill on the Monoshone Creek near Germantown, which is now Philadelphia. Joining him in the venture were three partners, Robert Turner, Thomas Tresse, and a printer named William Bradford.
Mr. Rittenhouse's knowledge and skill played a major role in this courageous undertaking. His ability to organize financial backers as partners and a printer-partner as a contractual customer for the products led to an expedient and successful enterprise. Previous to this operation, all paper was imported from Europe and taxed accordingly. The new mill provided a local source of printing, writing, and wrapping paper, as well as pasteboard. Mr. Rittenhouse could well be called America's father of recycling, since all of the mill's fiber for hand papermaking was obtained from discarded rags and cotton.
In 1706, Mr. Rittenhouse bought out the other partners and became sole proprietor of Rittenhouse Paper Mill. He, and later his son, Claus, trained and developed a versatile work force to produce good products. This eventually led to starting up additional mills in Pennsylvania. Mr. Rittenhouse proved that papermaking in America could be a viable, economically sound business. Thus began the saga a vital and dynamic industry that fulfilled a significant role in America's growth.
Mr. Rittenhouse died in 1708 and left the paper mill to his son, Claus. The business prospered at the site, and was operated by six generations of family descendants. For twenty years, Rittenhouse Paper Mill was the only paper mill in the Colonies. In 1710, William Dewees, who was married to Claus Rittenhouse's sister, built a mill nearby in Chestnut Hill, having learned the trade at Rittenhouse Paper Mill. In 1729, the Willcox Ivey Mill was built in Chester County.
Forty years after the founding of Rittenhouse Paper Mill, the number of printers and paper mills grew exponentially. The Rittenhouse family monopoly in paper was over, but Mr. Rittenhouse's descendants continued making paper on the Monoshone Creek until the 19th Century Industrial Revolution, when the development of the Fourdrinier, with its endless web and cylinder papermaking, changed the industry forever. The story begins with William Rittenhouse , born Wilhelm Rittinghausen in.
1644 in the village of Broich near the town of Mulheim on the Ruhr River, in.
the northwest corner of Germany only a few miles from the border with Holland.
His father's name was Claus and his mother was Maria Hagerhoff. His father's.
sister Ermgard had married the papermaker Mathias Vorster whose older brother.
Adolf had leased a paper mill in Broich just before Wilhelm was born. Wilhelm.
probably learned the trade from Adolf Vorster at an early age. About 1660.
Mathias, as was customary with younger sons, struck off on his own; he and.
Ermgard went to work in Eerbeck in the province of Gelderland, Holland , and.
their teenage nephew Wilhelm went with them. In 1665 Wilhelm married Geertruid.
Pieters of Eerbeck; their son Claus was born the next year. By 1672 both Uncle.
and nephew had moved to the mill at Rozendaal near Arnhem. In 1678 Mathais.
became the head of the large mill there and sent Wilhelm to Amsterdam to be.
the mill's agent in that publishing center. When Wilhelm applied for.
citizenship in amsterdam he filed papers stating his place of birth, mother's.
name, and profession. These documents were found in the 19th century, but the.
rest of the story was unearthed only a few years ago by a Dutch paper.
historian Henk Voorn in the church and town records of several Dutch.
papermaking villages. Voorn has ended a century of speculation about the.
origins of the Rittenhouse family which at one point went so far as to imagine.
them part of the royal house of Hapsburg. We do not know what caused Wilhelm.
to emigrate to Philadelphia after a decade in Amsterdam. In Amsterdam his was.
converted to the Mennonite faith, and he may have met William Penn there in.
the 1670s of 1680s.(he was to become a leader of the Mennonites in.
Uit dit huwelijk 6 kinderen.
1. | Retroacta Burgelijke Stand Hall (T 242), Gelders Archief, Retroacta Burgelijke Stand Hall 0176, Inventarisnr.: 374.1, Nederduits Gereformeerd, Hall, 1702 (jun 1665 blz. 5) |
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1. | Retroacta Burgelijke Stand Hall (T 242), Gelders Archief, Retroacta Burgelijke Stand Hall 0176, Inventarisnr.: 374.1, Nederduits Gereformeerd, Hall, 1702 (3 dec 1676 blz. 9) |
tr. (1) voor 1684
Petronella de Ridder, dr. van Adriaan Hendricks de Ridder en Neeltje Jacobs, geb. Rozendaal.
Uit dit huwelijk een zoon:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Adriaan | *1685 | 1 | 0 |
tr. (2) in jan 1698
1. | Retroacta Burgelijke Stand Hall (T 242), Gelders Archief, Retroacta Burgelijke Stand Hall 0176, Inventarisnr.: 374.1, Nederduits Gereformeerd, Hall, 1702 (3 dec 1676 blz. 9) |
tr. (1) circa 1638
Maria , geb. Olpe [Duitsland] Amt Steinbach circa 1620, ovl. circa 1650.
Uit dit huwelijk 4 kinderen:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Sibilla | *1642 | Olpe [Duitsland] | 1 | 0 | |||
2 | Matthijs | *1638 | Olpe [Duitsland] | †1692 | Rozendaal | 54 | 2 | 11 |
3 | Jasperke | *1640 | 1 | 3 | ||||
4 | Adolf | *1640 | Olpe [Duitsland] | 1 | 0 |
tr. (2) circa 1651
Christine om Kampen Broich, geb. Mühlheim [Duitsland] in 1630, ovl. Broich a.d. Ruhr op 18 nov 1672.
Uit dit huwelijk 9 kinderen, waaronder:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Johannes | *1653 | Broich a.d. Ruhr | †1708 | Broich a.d. Ruhr | 54 | 0 | 0 |
2 | Mathias | ~1659 | Broich a.d. Ruhr | †1704 | Delstern [Duitsland] | 45 | 2 | 5 |
3 | Herman | ~1670 | Broich a.d. Ruhr | 1740 | Wesel | 69 | 1 | 0 |
tr. (3) Mühlheim an der Ruhr [Duitsland] op 17 mrt 1674
Ursula Rosina Rittenhouse (Stadtmann), geb. Altersteig [Duitsland] in 1588, ovl. aldaar in 1661.
Uit dit huwelijk 2 kinderen:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Ermgard | *1638 | Broich a.d. Ruhr | †1672 | Rozendaal | 34 | 1 | 8 |
2 | Claus | *1615 | Broich a.d. Ruhr | †1678 | 63 | 1 | 4 |
tr. circa 1709
Adriaan (Adrianus) Vorster Zijns (Vorster), zn. van Jan Vorster Zijns en Petronella de Ridder, geb. circa 1685.
Adriaan (Adrianus) Vorster Zijns.
Adriaan en Lijsbet hebben in 1719 voor 1600 gld schuld bij zijn oom Nicolaas Vorster. Op 1-5-1719 verlaten ze de molen en ze hebben zich niet meer met het papier maken bezig gehouden.
tr. circa 1638
Adolf Vorster, zn. van Hans (Johann) zum Forst (Mühlenbesitzer, Schöffe, Hofschöffe) en Maria , geb. Olpe [Duitsland] circa 1610, papiermaker, ovl. Broich a.d. Ruhr voor 3 jan 1675, begr. Mülheim an der Ruhr [Duitsland] op 3 jan 1675, tr. (3) met Catharina aus dem Bieg. Uit dit huwelijk een kind.
Adolf Vorster.
Adolf Vorster, den wir als unseren Stammvater betrachten, ist um das Jahr 1610 in Olpe geboren und war von Beruf Papiermacher. Über seine Jugend ist nichts bekannt, auch nicht, wo er als Papiermacher gearbeitet hat. Dies zu ergründen, bleibt einer späteren Forschung vorbehalten.
Im Jahre 1643 wollte er sich selbständig machen und es bot sich hierzu die Gelegenheit, von dem Grafen Wilhelm Wyrich von Dhaun, Graf zu Falkenstein, Herr zu Broich (1623-1682) die Papiermühle zu Broich bei Mülheim zu pachten, die dann bis 1911, also 268 Jahre lang im Besitz der Familie Vorster verblieben ist. Nach dem Vertrage vom 3. Oktober 1643 mit dem Grafen wurde die Pachtzeit erstmalig auf 20 Jahre festgesetzt und es wurde eine Pachtsumme von 60 Reichstalern pro Jahr gefordert.
Adolf Vorster war dreimal verheiratet. Seine erste Frau Marie kennen wir aus dem Pachtvertrage. Mit ihr hatte er 2 Kinder, nämlich Adolf und Sibille. Adolf wurde 1640 in Olpe geboren und ehelichte am 27. April 1660 die Anna vom Velt, mit der er nach Holland ging und in Arnheim die holländische Linie Vorster begründete. Dies ist keine Hypothese, sondern es kann aktenmässig nachgewiesen werden.
Das zweite Kind war Sibille Vorster, die am l7. August 1642 in Olpe getauft wurde und am 15. November 1662 den Stephan Plöcker aus Solingen heiratete, der mit ihr nach Langenberg zog und dort eine Papiermühle baute, die heute noch die Plöckersmühle genannt wird.
In zweiter Ehe war Adolf Vorster mit Christine aus Mülheim (unsere Vorfahrin) verheiratet, die am 18. November 1672 in Broich im Wochenbette starb. Mit dieser hatte Adolf 9 Kinder, darunter 3 Söhne, nämlich Johannes, Mathias und Hermann.
Der jüngste Sohn - Hermann - wurde im Hause seines ältesten (Halb-)Bruders Adolf Vorster in Arnheim erzogen, heiratete dort eine Gertrud von Amerongen und verzog mit ihr nach Wesel, wo er eine Papiermühle erbaute. Dieser Stamm ist dann in der 3. Generation in der männlichen Linie ausgestorben.
Uit dit huwelijk 4 kinderen:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Sibilla | *1642 | Olpe [Duitsland] | 1 | 0 | |||
2 | Matthijs | *1638 | Olpe [Duitsland] | †1692 | Rozendaal | 54 | 2 | 11 |
3 | Jasperke | *1640 | 1 | 3 | ||||
4 | Adolf | *1640 | Olpe [Duitsland] | 1 | 0 |
Everhart Reijnders, papiermaker.
Uit dit huwelijk 3 kinderen:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Maria | ~1667 | Velp | †1668 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | Maria | ~1668 | Velp | 0 | 0 | |||
3 | Reijnder | ~1671 | Velp | 0 | 0 |
Jasperke Alofs Vorster, dr. van Adolf Vorster (papiermaker) en Maria , geb. circa 1640.
Uit dit huwelijk 3 kinderen:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Maria | ~1667 | Velp | †1668 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | Maria | ~1668 | Velp | 0 | 0 | |||
3 | Reijnder | ~1671 | Velp | 0 | 0 |
tr. voor dec 1679
Claesken (Swaentjen) Ridders, dr. van Adriaan Hendricks de Ridder en Neeltje Jacobs, geb. Rozendaal circa 1655.
Uit dit huwelijk 4 kinderen:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Neeltje | ~1679 | Velp | 0 | 0 | |||
2 | Adriaan | ~1680 | Velp | 0 | 0 | |||
3 | Maria | ~1684 | Velp | 0 | 0 | |||
4 | Adrianus | *1694 | 0 | 0 |
tr. voor dec 1679
Heinrich Nicolaus Rittinghausen, zn. van Claus Heinrich George Rittinghausen en Maria Hagerhoff, geb. Mülheim, Bernkastel-Wittlich [Duitsland] in 1642, ovl. Dordrecht in mei 1716.
Heinrich Nicolaus Rittinghausen.
Klaas pachtte samen met zijn zwager de molen in 1693. Vertrokken naar Dordrecht waar hij een winkel in de Voorstraat genaamd de Papier Molen had. Hij is dan koopman in papier. Klaasje wordt ook Clasina genoemd. Heinrich Nicholaus Rittinghausen, at the Chancelery of the court of Falkenstein, in this place of Broich, respectfully declared that his brother, Wilhelm Rittinghausen, now residing in Amsterdam, fervently demand and petition for the evidence of his age; that is to say, in what year he was born - to make use of the same in the proper place; and as there is no good reason to refuse this request, it is hereby certified that the said Wilhelm Rittinghausen's mother, Maria Hagerhoffs, who is still living in the principality of Broich, as also his sister and brother unanimously have declared and confirmed that the said, Wilhelm Rittinghausen was born in the year one thousand six hundred and forty-four, in consequence of which this certificate is hereby given.
Signed. Broich. the 23rd June. 1678. From the Chancelery of Court J. Rodt. of Falkenstein in the said place.".
Uit dit huwelijk 4 kinderen:
naam | geb. | plaats | ovl. | plaats | oud | relatie | kinderen | |
1 | Neeltje | ~1679 | Velp | 0 | 0 | |||
2 | Adriaan | ~1680 | Velp | 0 | 0 | |||
3 | Maria | ~1684 | Velp | 0 | 0 | |||
4 | Adrianus | *1694 | 0 | 0 |